
This is Andrew Vetter’s person website. The intention of the website is to showcase my achievements, projects, and blog. I like to think of this website as a casual resume or linkedIn. I hope this website show’s a more personal element of myself then my other public profiles.

This website is being hosted on Digital Ocean. If you would like to check out the project for this server and website please see server project and Website project.


What’s new with Andrew?

I graduated from North Dakota State University with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering and a minor in Computer Science. This is super exciting!

I talk more about my time at NDSU, my Future and career, and Covid on my latest post. Graduation

~Andrew updated May 19th, 2020

You can find more updates on my blog.

Why Scientific Pineapple?

People have asked why Scientific Pineapple for the name of my website. The reason is it sounds cliché to call it AndrewVetter.com or anything else along those lines that people use for a professional website. Plus I had a good friend that made this logo for me and the image goes perfectly with the title. It also allows me to have a theme for my website which you don’t easily get.